We are fortunate to have an active group of Governors who work closely with the school and the school benefits greatly from the contributions made by them. The Governing Body monitor important aspects of school life including finance, school premises, staffing as well as standards.
The full Governing Body meet each term with sub-committees meeting more frequently to review progress and to consider developments for the school. The Governors have specific responsibilities for safeguarding, health and safety and designated curriculum areas.
Chair of Governors - Mrs Christine Raphael
Vice Chair of Governors - Mrs Minnie House
Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Kathryn Strik
Mrs Christine Raphael - Chair of Governors, Member and Foundation Trustee
Term of Office 15/04/2013 - 19/06/2026
No Business Interests were registered
Areas of Responsibility - SIAMS, SEN.
Born in Enfield, Middlesex, Christine attended Latymer Grammar School and after A Levels studied at The City of London College combining Company Secretary exams with secretarial skills. Christine went on to work as a PA to the Media Director of an Advertising Agency in Piccadilly. Christine married a Naval Officer and spent 26 years as a navy wife. During this time she brought up four children. The family spent years in Portsmouth, Weymouth, and Plymouth and were lucky enough to serve with NATO in America and Belgium. She ran a Playgroup in Devon for 8 years, was on the Parents Association of her children's primary school, and spent many hours serving as secretary to numerous committees. Christine came to Somerset in 1991 and started work for the Bristol and West Building Society. She studied at Strode College and Bath Spa University and gained a 2.1 degree in Social Science. She continued to work for Bristol and West and on graduating went on to take Financial Services and Mortgage exams. She worked as a Financial Advisor and Mortgage advisor for 12 years before retiring in 2012. Her 10 grandchildren keep her in touch with the younger generation. She has been a Church Warden for many years and became a Foundation Governor in 2013. She serves on the Business Committee and became Vice Chair in 2014. She takes a special interest in the Church within school and loves the opportunity to support the Head Teacher, staff and children at St Cuthbert's.
Mrs Minnie House - Vice Chair of Governors, Finance Committee Chair, Member & Trustee
Term of Office 01/09/2016 - 7/05/2028
Business Interests: Governor of two other schools:
Areas of Responsibility: Curriculum, EYFS and Safeguarding.
Minnie retired as Head teacher of an infant and nursery academy in Somerset at the end of August 2015. The school was recognised as Outstanding in 2010 and held that status. In her role as Head teacher she was also a member of the academy. During her teaching career of 39 years Minnie was head teacher for 27 years, she became a learning leader in education, supporting other schools in 2011 and a moderator for KS1 and Foundation in Somerset as she started her role as Head teacher continuing in this role last year following her retirement
From Minnie’s recent role as a Head teacher, as an LLE and a KS1 Assessment moderator she has a range of skills, expertise and knowledge, which within the team role of a governor supports the understanding of the governing body’s strategic role.
Minnie is passionate about pupils being able to enjoy the learning and being motivated to learn in a variety of ways, through an excellent education, which meets their individual needs.
Minnie became a governor at St Cuthbert’s in September 2016 following a year of getting to know the school, how it puts its beliefs into practise and through building a positive relationship with the Head teacher and staff.
Mrs Sheryl Cooper - Head Teacher
Term of Office - 01/09/2017
No Business Interests were noted.
Rosalind Mundy - Foundation Governor
Term of Office 05/06/2017 - 04/06/2025
Areas of Responsibility - SIAMs
Kate Rowe Parent Governor
Term of Office 4/1/2021 -3/1/2025
Areas of Responsibility - tbc
Beth Hancock Staff Governor
Term of Office 14/3/2022 -13/3/2026
Areas of Responsibility - tbc
Lesley Wanklyn Co-opted governor
Term of Office 20/5/2024 - 19/5/2028
Areas of responsibility - tbc
Director of Studies, Head of Geography and Year 4 Teacher at an Independent Prep School
After growing up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I moved to the Wells area with my family in 1998 and attended Wells Central School (now St Cuthbert’s Junior School). Between 2006 and 2010, I completed my undergraduate degree in Forensic Chemistry with a Year in Industry at the University of Kent. I then completed my PGCE at Bath Spa University and taught for 4 years at a large state primary school in Swindon. I then moved back to the Wells area for my current teaching position.
I love to travel and have visited over 40 countries. I have a rescue dog and love to hike and run with him. I’m also a keen swimmer and reader.
This is my first governance position, but I have worked as a teacher in schools since 2011.
I became a governor in order to give something back to my local community and to hopefully share my expertise.
Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors
at the school address or by email;
Governors who have completed their Term of Office in the last 12 months:
Governors who have resigned in the last 12 months:
1. Hilary Waters - Staff Governor 31/8/2024
2. Lisa Lunnon -Co-opted governor 22/7/2024
Members - Mrs Christine Raphael, Mrs Minnie House, The Bath and Wells DBE Trust, Revd Samuel Denyer
Governors details, roles and responsibilities
Declaration of Business Interests October 2024
Governing Body Terms of reference
Scheme of delegation Sept 2024
2023-2024 Annual Governance Report
2023-2024 Governors' Meeting attendance
2022-2023 Governors' Meeting attendance
2021-2022 Governors ' Meeting attendance
2020-2021 Governors' Meeting attendance
2019-2020 Governors' Meeting Attendance
2018/19 Governor Meeting Attendance
Guide for Prospective Governors
Governor expenses policy can be found in the
Finance Policy
in appendix 10.
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