Contact Details
The contact details can be found at the top of each of the pages
Our Safeguarding and Child protection policies can be found on the policies page under the USEFUL INFORMATION menu.
Admissions Policy
Information for all admissions for St Cuthbert's Academy Infants and Pre-school can be found in Admissions Information under USEFUL INFORMATION.
Inspection Reports
St Cuthbert's Infants school were last inspected by OFSTED on 6th and 7th June 2023 and were rated as Good.
SIAMs inspected 10th July 2019 and the results was Good. The reports are listed under inspection reports on the ABOUT menu.
Curriculum Tables
The curriculum for each year can be found in
curriculum under the ABOUT menu
Behaviour Policy
Our behaviour policy can be found in
under the USEFUL INFORMATION menu.
Pupil Premium
The pupil premium report can be found in
pupil premium under the USEFUL INFORMATION menu.
PE and Sports Funding Report
The Sports funding report can be found in
sports funding under the USEFUL INFORMATION menu
Special Educational Needs (SEN)Report
The SEND report, policy and local offer can be found in
policies under the USEFUL INFORMATION menu
Charging and Remissions Policy
The charging and remission policy is part of the finance policy which can be found in
policies under the USEFUL INFORMATION menu
Values and Ethos
Our school believes in promoting kindness
Governors meeting
The governors meet with a committee structure which feeds into the main governing body. Information about the governors can be found in school governors under the ABOUT menu.
All Rights Reserved | St Cuthbert's Infants School